Bangalore to Tirupati Distance


If you want to go to Tirupati Balaji from Bangalore then the route map guide from Bangalore to Tirupati distance by road, car, bus, train, and flight is shared here.

Bangalore to Tirupati Distance

Bangalore to Tirupati Distance

The distance between Bangalore and Tirupati is approximately 250 kilometers (155 miles) when traveling by road. The actual distance may vary slightly depending on the route taken.

Bangalore to Tirupati Distance by Car (Road)

There are multiple routes you can take to travel from Bangalore to Tirupati by road. Here are three common routes:

Route 1

Bangalore to Tirupati via NH77 and NH71

  • Start from Bangalore and head east towards Hoskote.
  • From Hoskote, continue on NH77 towards Kolar.
  • Continue on NH77, passing through towns like Bangarapet and Mulbagal.
  • After Mulbagal, you’ll reach Palamaner. Continue on NH71 from Palamaner towards Tirupati.
  • Follow the signs directing you to Tirupati.

This route is approximately 250 kilometers and takes around 4-5 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.

Route 2

Bangalore to Tirupati via NH4 and NH205

  • Start from Bangalore and head north towards Yelahanka.
  • From Yelahanka, take NH44 (also known as NH4) and continue towards Chikkaballapur.
  • From Chikkaballapur, continue on NH44, passing through towns like Bagepalli and Madanapalle.
  • After Madanapalle, take NH205 and follow the signs directing you to Tirupati.

This route is approximately 270 kilometers and takes around 5-6 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.

Route 3

Bangalore to Tirupati via NH75 and NH69

  • Start from Bangalore and head towards Electronic City.
  • From Electronic City, take the elevated highway to Attibele.
  • From Attibele, continue on NH75 towards Hosur and Krishnagiri.
  • From Krishnagiri, take NH69 towards Vaniyambadi and Ambur.
  • After Ambur, continue on NH69 towards Chittoor.
  • From Chittoor, follow the signs directing you to Tirupati.

This route is approximately 270 kilometers and takes around 5-6 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.

Bangalore to Tirupati Bus Ticket Price

Here are the approximate bus ticket prices for this route are as follows:

  • Non-AC Seater/Sleeper Bus: Around INR 300-500 per person.
  • AC Seater/Sleeper Bus: Around INR 500-800 per person.
  • Volvo/Scania AC Multi-Axle Bus: Around INR 800-1,200 per person.

Bangalore to Tirupati Train

There are several trains that connect Bangalore (Bengaluru) and Tirupati. Here are a few popular train options:

KSR Bengaluru-Tirupati Passenger (Train No. 56213/56214)

  • This is a daily passenger train that runs between KSR Bengaluru City Junction and Tirupati Main.
  • The train departs from Bangalore City Junction and takes approximately 5 to 6 hours to reach Tirupati.
  • It is a convenient option for travelers looking for an affordable train journey.

Seshadri Express (Train No. 17209/17210)

  • The Seshadri Express operates between KSR Bengaluru City Junction and Tirupati Main.
    It runs on a daily basis, departing from Bangalore City Junction in the evening and arriving at Tirupati early morning.
  • This train offers comfortable sleeper and AC class accommodations.

Kacheguda-Tirupati Rayalaseema Express (Train No. 17429/17430):

  • The Rayalaseema Express connects Kacheguda (Hyderabad) with Tirupati Main.
    It runs on a daily basis, providing overnight travel options between Hyderabad and Tirupati.
  • The train passes through Bangalore and offers a convenient option for travelers coming from Hyderabad.

These are just a few examples of trains connecting Bangalore and Tirupati. It is recommended to check the latest schedules, availability, and ticket bookings through the official Indian Railways website or other reliable sources before planning your journey.

Bangalore to Tirupati Train Ticket Price

The train ticket prices for the journey from Bangalore to Tirupati can vary depending on the class of travel and the specific train you choose. Here are approximate ticket prices for different classes:

KSR Bengaluru-Tirupati Passenger (Train No. 56213/56214)

  • General/Unreserved Class: Around INR 60-80
  • Sleeper Class: Around INR 150-200

Seshadri Express (Train No. 17209/17210)

  • Sleeper Class: Around INR 200-300
  • AC 3 Tier: Around INR 500-700
  • AC 2 Tier: Around INR 900-1,100

Kacheguda-Tirupati Rayalaseema Express (Train No. 17429/17430)

  • Sleeper Class: Around INR 200-300
  • AC 3 Tier: Around INR 500-700
  • AC 2 Tier: Around INR 900-1,100

Bangalore to Tirupati Flight

There are regular flights available from Bangalore (Kempegowda International Airport) to Tirupati (Tirupati Airport) operated by various airlines. The flight duration is typically around 1 hour. Here are a few airlines that operate flights between Bangalore and Tirupati:

Air India

  • Air India operates regular flights between Bangalore and Tirupati.
  • The flight duration is approximately 1 hour.
  • It is advisable to check the Air India website or other flight booking platforms for schedules and ticket availability.


  • IndiGo offers flights between Bangalore and Tirupati.
  • The flight duration is approximately 1 hour.
  • It is recommended to visit the IndiGo website or use flight booking portals to check for flight schedules and make reservations.


  • SpiceJet operates flights connecting Bangalore and Tirupati.
  • The flight duration is approximately 1 hour.
  • To find the most up-to-date flight schedules and book tickets, you can visit the SpiceJet website or use flight booking platforms.

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