Renigunta to Tirupati Distance


If you want to go to Tirupati Balaji Temple then follow this route map from Renigunta to Tirupati distance by road, bus, train, and flight.

Renigunta to Tirupati Distance

The distance between Renigunta and Tirupati is approximately 10 kilometers (6.2 miles).

Renigunta to tirupati distance

Renigunta to Tirupati by Road

To travel from Renigunta to Tirupati by road, there are a few routes you can take. Here are two common routes:

Renigunta to Tiruchanur Road

  • Start from Renigunta and head east on Tirupati-Chittoor Road.
  • Continue straight on the road until you reach Tiruchanur.
  • From Tiruchanur, follow the signs directing you to Tirupati. The road will take you directly into the city.

Renigunta to Karakambadi Road

  • Start from Renigunta and head east on Tirupati-Chittoor Road.
  • After a short distance, turn left onto Karakambadi Road.
  • Follow Karakambadi Road all the way to Tirupati.

Renigunta to Tirupati Bus Ticket Price

These prices are approximate and can vary depending on the bus operator and other factors:

  • Non-AC Ordinary Bus: Rs. 20-30 (approximately)
  • AC Semi-Sleeper Bus: Rs. 50-70 (approximately)
  • AC Sleeper Bus: Rs. 80-100 (approximately)

Renigunta to Tirupati Train

There are several trains that connect Renigunta and Tirupati. Here are some of the popular train options:

Renigunta-Tirupati Passenger (Unreserved)

This is an unreserved passenger train that runs between Renigunta Junction (RU) and Tirupati Main (TPTY) stations. It operates multiple times throughout the day, and you can purchase tickets at the respective stations before boarding the train.

Renigunta-Tirupati MEMU (Mainline Electric Multiple Unit)

MEMU trains are a popular option for commuting between Renigunta and Tirupati. These trains are generally more comfortable and have reserved seating. The frequency of MEMU trains is quite good, with several departures throughout the day.

Renigunta-Tirupati Express Trains

There are also express trains that connect Renigunta and Tirupati.

Some of the notable express trains include:

  • Renigunta-Tirupati Double Decker Express
  • Renigunta-Tirupati Rayalaseema Express
  • Renigunta-Tirupati Narayanadri Express

Renigunta to Tirupati Train Ticket Price

The train ticket prices from Renigunta to Tirupati can vary based on the train class and the type of train. The following are general fare ranges for different train classes:

  • Unreserved/General Class: The ticket price for unreserved or general class in passenger trains is usually very affordable, ranging from around Rs. 10 to Rs. 30.
  • Sleeper Class (SL): For express trains, the sleeper class ticket prices typically range from around Rs. 50 to Rs. 100, depending on the train and availability.
  • AC Chair Car (CC): The AC chair car ticket prices for trains like the Renigunta-Tirupati Double Decker Express can range from around Rs. 150 to Rs. 300, depending on the train and availability.
  • AC 3 Tier (3A): For trains that offer AC 3-tier class, the ticket prices can range from approximately Rs. 300 to Rs. 500.
  • AC 2 Tier (2A): Trains with AC 2-tier class have relatively higher fares, with ticket prices ranging from around Rs. 600 to Rs. 900.

Renigunta to Tirupati Flight

There is no commercial airport in Renigunta. The nearest airport to Renigunta is the Tirupati Airport (TIR), also known as the Sri Venkateswara Airport, located in Tirupati itself. It is approximately 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) away from Renigunta.

Several domestic airlines operate flights from Tirupati Airport to various cities in India. Popular domestic airlines such as Air India, IndiGo, SpiceJet, and TruJet offer flights from Tirupati to destinations like Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, and other major cities.

The flight duration from Tirupati to these destinations is typically around 1 hour, depending on the specific route and airline.

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