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Guntur to Tirupati Trains


Visit Tirupati Balaji from Guntur by following this route map from Guntur to Tirupati Trains and distance by road, car, bus, train, or flight.

Guntur to Tirupati Trains

guntur to tirupati train

There are several trains that operate between Guntur and Tirupati. Here are some of the commonly used trains for this route:

Guntur – Tirupati Intercity Express (Train No. 12796/12795)

  • Departure from Guntur Junction: 06:45 AM
  • Arrival at Tirupati Main: 12:40 PM
  • Frequency: Daily

Guntur – Tirupati Express (Train No. 17401/17402)

  • Departure from Guntur Junction: 07:50 PM
  • Arrival at Tirupati Main: 04:10 AM
  • Frequency: Daily

Narayanadri Express (Train No. 12733/12734)

  • Departure from Guntur Junction: 07:35 PM
  • Arrival at Tirupati Main: 04:05 AM
  • Frequency: Daily

Please note that train timings and schedules are subject to change, and it is advisable to check the official website of Indian Railways or a reliable train schedule app or website for the most up-to-date train timings, and availability, and to book your tickets.

Guntur to Tirupati Train Ticket Price

The train ticket prices for the Guntur to Tirupati route can vary based on factors such as the class of travel, train type, and availability. Here are the approximate ticket prices for different classes on trains between Guntur and Tirupati:

  • Sleeper Class (SL): The ticket price for a sleeper class ticket can range from around ₹150 to ₹250.
  • AC Chair Car (CC): The ticket price for an AC chair car ticket can range from around ₹400 to ₹550.
  • AC 3-Tier (3A): The ticket price for an AC 3-tier ticket can range from around ₹600 to ₹900.
  • AC 2-Tier (2A): The ticket price for an AC 2-tier ticket can range from around ₹900 to ₹1,300.

Guntur to Tirupati Distance

The distance between Guntur and Tirupati is approximately 280 kilometers (174 miles) when traveling by road. The actual distance may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.

Guntur to Tirupati by Road

There are multiple routes to travel from Guntur to Tirupati by road. Here are the two commonly used routes:

Route 1

Guntur – Narsaraopet – Vinukonda – Markapur – Cumbum – Giddalur – Nandyal – Kurnool – Kadapa – Tirupati

  • Start from Guntur and head east on NH16 (National Highway 16).
  • Pass through Narsaraopet and continue on NH16.
  • In Vinukonda, take a right turn towards Markapur and continue on this road.
  • In Markapur, take a left turn towards Cumbum and proceed.
  • From Cumbum, head south to reach Giddalur.
  • From Giddalur, continue south towards Nandyal.
  • From Nandyal, head east to Kurnool and then proceed towards Kadapa.
  • Finally, from Kadapa, take NH716 and head east to reach Tirupati.

Route 2

Guntur – Narasaraopet – Piduguralla – Donakonda – Kandukur – Nellore – Renigunta – Tirupati

  • Start from Guntur and head east on NH16.
  • Pass through Narasaraopet and continue on NH16.
  • In Piduguralla, take a right turn towards Donakonda and continue on this road.
  • From Donakonda, head south towards Kandukur.
  • In Kandukur, take a left turn towards Nellore and continue on this road.
  • From Nellore, take NH71 and head north towards Renigunta.
  • Finally, from Renigunta, take NH71 again and head west to reach Tirupati.

Guntur to Tirupati Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket prices for the Guntur to Tirupati route can vary based on factors such as the type of bus, operator, and class of travel. Generally, the ticket prices may range as follows:

  • Non-AC or Ordinary Bus: The fare for a non-AC or ordinary bus ticket can range from around ₹200 to ₹400.
  • AC Sleeper or Semi-Sleeper Bus: The fare for an AC sleeper or semi-sleeper bus ticket can range from around ₹500 to ₹900 or more, depending on the bus operator and amenities provided.

Please note that these fares are indicative and can vary depending on factors such as the bus operator, type of bus, availability, and any dynamic pricing.

Guntur to Tirupati Flight

To travel from Guntur to Tirupati by flight, the nearest airport to Guntur is the Vijayawada International Airport (VGA). From there, you can take a flight to Tirupati Airport (TIR).

However, please note that there are no direct flights from Guntur to Tirupati. You would need to book a flight from Vijayawada to Tirupati, which may involve a layover at a connecting airport such as Hyderabad or Bangalore.

The flight duration from Vijayawada to Tirupati can vary depending on the layover and flight connections. It is advisable to check with various airlines for the most convenient flight options and schedules. Some airlines that operate flights from Vijayawada to Tirupati include Air India, SpiceJet, and IndiGo.

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