Nellore to Tirupati Distance


If you want to go to Tirupati Balaji Temple then follow this route map from Nellore to Tirupati distance by road, bus, train, and flight.

Nellore to Tirupati Distance

nellore to tirupati distance

The distance between Nellore and Tirupati is approximately 136 kilometers (84 miles) by road. Please note that this distance is an approximation and may vary depending on the specific route taken.

Nellore to Tirupati by Road

There are multiple routes you can take to travel from Nellore to Tirupati by road. Here are two common routes:

Route 1: Nellore – Gudur – Srikalahasti – Tirupati

  • Start from Nellore and head south on NH16.
  • After approximately 18 kilometers, you will reach Gudur. Continue on NH16.
  • Follow NH16 for about 60 kilometers until you reach Srikalahasti.
  • From Srikalahasti, you can take the Tirupati Bypass Road or SH-58 to reach Tirupati, which is around 46 kilometers away. Follow the signs and directions to reach your destination.

Route 2: Nellore – Venkatagiri – Tirupati

  • Start from Nellore and head south on NH16.
  • After approximately 28 kilometers, you will reach Venkatagiri. Continue on NH16.
  • Continue on NH16 for about 92 kilometers until you reach Tirupati. Follow the signs and directions to reach your destination.

Nellore to Tirupati Bus Ticket Price

The bus fare for the Nellore to Tirupati route can vary depending on the bus operator, type of bus, and seating class. Generally, the bus fare for this route ranges from approximately INR 150 to INR 400 (Indian Rupees) per person. However, please note that these fares are approximate and subject to change.

Some popular bus operators that operate on the Nellore to Tirupati route include APSRTC (Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation), Reddy Express, Morning Star Travels, and SRS Travels.

These bus operators provide various types of buses, including non-air-conditioned and air-conditioned buses, with different seating classes such as sleeper, semi-sleeper, and seater. The frequency of buses may vary throughout the day, so it’s advisable to check the schedules and availability of buses on specific dates.

Nellore to Tirupati Train

Trains are a convenient mode of transportation for travel between Nellore and Tirupati. Here are some of the popular trains that operate on the Nellore to Tirupati route:

Narayanadri Express (Train No. 12733/12734)

This train runs daily between Tirupati Main and Secunderabad Junction via Nellore. It departs from Tirupati Main in the morning and arrives at Nellore in the afternoon.

Rayalaseema Express (Train No. 17429/17430)

This train operates daily between Hyderabad Deccan and Tirupati Main, passing through Nellore. It departs from Tirupati Main in the evening and arrives at Nellore during the night.

Tirumala Express (Train No. 17487/17488)

This train runs daily between Tirupati Main and Visakhapatnam, with a stop at Nellore. It departs from Tirupati Main in the morning and arrives at Nellore in the afternoon.

Venkatadri Express (Train No. 12797/12798)

This train operates daily between Chittoor and Kacheguda (Hyderabad), passing through Nellore. It departs from Nellore in the evening and arrives at Tirupati Main during the night.

Prasanthi Express (Train No. 18463/18464)

This train runs daily between Bhubaneswar and Bangalore City, with a stop at Nellore and Tirupati. It departs from Nellore in the morning and arrives at Tirupati Main in the afternoon.

Nellore to Tirupati Train Ticket Price

The train ticket fares for the Nellore to Tirupati route can vary depending on the class of travel and the specific train you choose. Here is an approximate range of ticket fares for different classes:

  • Sleeper Class (SL): The ticket fare for Sleeper Class generally ranges from INR 80 to INR 150.
  • AC Chair Car (CC): The ticket fare for the AC Chair Car class is approximately between INR 200 to INR 350.
  • AC 3 Tier (3A): The ticket fare for AC 3 Tier class is approximately between INR 400 to INR 700.
  • AC 2 Tier (2A): The ticket fare for AC 2 Tier class is approximately between INR 800 to INR 1,200.
  • AC First Class (1A): The ticket fare for AC First Class is relatively higher and can range from INR 1,200 to INR 2,000 or more.

Please note that these fares are approximate and can vary based on factors such as train type, availability, and dynamic pricing. It’s recommended to check the official website of Indian Railways ( or other reliable ticketing platforms to get the most accurate and up-to-date information on train ticket fares for the Nellore to Tirupati route.

Nellore to Tirupati Flight

There are no direct flights available from Nellore to Tirupati as Nellore does not have its own airport. The nearest airport to Nellore is Tirupati Airport (IATA code: TIR), which is located in Renigunta, around 15 kilometers away from Tirupati city.

To travel from Nellore to Tirupati by air, you would need to take the following steps:

Travel from Nellore to Tirupati Airport

You can reach Tirupati Airport by road from Nellore. It is recommended to hire a taxi or use a private vehicle for the journey. The distance between Nellore and Tirupati Airport is approximately 120 kilometers, and the travel time can vary depending on the road conditions and traffic.

Flight from Tirupati Airport

Once you reach Tirupati Airport, you can check for flights to your desired destination. Tirupati Airport operates flights to various domestic destinations, including major cities like Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. You can check with different airlines for flight schedules, availability, and ticket prices.

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