Chennai to Tirupati Distance


If you want to go to Tirupati Balaji from Chennai then the route map guide from Chennai to Tirupati distance by road, car, bus, train, and flight is shared here.

Chennai to Tirupati Distance

chennai to tirupati distance

The distance between Chennai and Tirupati is approximately 136 kilometers (85 miles) when traveling by road. The actual distance may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.

Chennai to Tirupati by Road

Here are two commonly used routes to travel from Chennai to Tirupati by road:

Route 1: Via NH716

  • Start from Chennai and head west on the Chennai-Tiruttani Road.
  • Continue on this road, which will merge with NH716 (Chennai-Tirupati Highway).
  • Follow NH716, passing through towns like Thiruvallur, Puttur, and Renigunta.
  • NH716 will lead you directly to Tirupati.

Route 2: Via NH205

  • Start from Chennai and head west on Poonamallee High Road.
  • Continue on this road, which will merge with NH205.
  • Follow NH205, passing through towns like Sriperumbudur, Kanchipuram, and Arcot.
  • Near Arcot, take the left turn onto NH716 (Chennai-Tirupati Highway).
  • Continue on NH716, passing through Renigunta, until you reach Tirupati.

Chennai to Tirupati Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket prices for the Chennai to Tirupati route can vary depending on factors such as the type of bus, operator, and class of travel. Generally, the ticket prices may range as follows:

  • Non-AC or Ordinary Bus: The fare for a non-AC or ordinary bus ticket can range from around ₹200 to ₹400.
  • AC Sleeper or Semi-Sleeper Bus: The fare for an AC sleeper or semi-sleeper bus ticket can range from around ₹500 to ₹900 or more, depending on the bus operator and amenities provided.

Chennai to Tirupati Train

There are several trains that operate between Chennai and Tirupati. Here are some of the commonly used trains for this route:

Tirupati Express (Train No. 22801/22802)

  • Departure from Chennai Central: 07:40 AM
  • Arrival at Tirupati Main: 11:40 AM
  • Frequency: Daily

Sapthagiri Express (Train No. 16057/16058)

  • Departure from Chennai Central: 06:15 AM
  • Arrival at Tirupati Main: 10:50 AM
  • Frequency: Daily

Venkatadri Express (Train No. 12763/12764)

  • Departure from Chennai Egmore: 06:20 AM
  • Arrival at Tirupati Main: 10:40 AM
  • Frequency: Daily

Garudadri Express (Train No. 12611/12612)

  • Departure from Chennai Central: 08:00 PM
  • Arrival at Tirupati Main: 11:20 PM
  • Frequency: Daily

Chennai to Tirupati Train Ticket Price

The train ticket prices for the Chennai to Tirupati route can vary based on factors such as the class of travel, train type, and availability. Here are the approximate ticket prices for different classes on trains between Chennai and Tirupati:

  • Sleeper Class (SL): The ticket price for a sleeper class ticket can range from around ₹120 to ₹200.
  • AC Chair Car (CC): The ticket price for an AC chair car ticket can range from around ₹350 to ₹500.
  • AC 3-Tier (3A): The ticket price for an AC 3-tier ticket can range from around ₹500 to ₹800.
  • AC 2-Tier (2A): The ticket price for an AC 2-tier ticket can range from around ₹800 to ₹1,200.

Chennai to Tirupati Flight

To travel from Chennai to Tirupati by flight, you can take a domestic flight from Chennai International Airport (MAA) to Tirupati Airport (TIR). The flight duration is typically short, around 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Several airlines operate flights on this route, including Air India, SpiceJet, and IndiGo. The flight schedules and ticket prices can vary depending on factors such as the airline, time of travel, and availability.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding flight options, schedules, and ticket prices, I recommend visiting the official websites of these airlines or using popular travel websites and platforms such as MakeMyTrip, Cleartrip, or Goibibo. These platforms allow you to search for flights, compare prices, and make bookings online.

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