Hyderabad to Tirupati Distance


If you want to go to Tirupati Balaji Temple then follow this route map from Hyderabad to Tirupati distance by road, bus, train, and flight.

Hyderabad to Tirupati Distance

hyderabad to tirupati distance

The distance between Hyderabad and Tirupati is approximately 560 kilometers (348 miles) when traveling by road.

Hyderabad to Tirupati by Road

To travel from Hyderabad to Tirupati by road, there are a few routes you can take. Here are two common routes:

Route 1

Hyderabad – Kurnool – Kadapa – Tirupati:

  • Start from Hyderabad and head south on NH44 (also known as NH7) towards Kurnool.
  • Continue on NH44 and pass through Kurnool.
  • From Kurnool, follow the road towards Kadapa.
  • Once you reach Kadapa, continue on NH716 towards Tirupati.

This route takes you through major cities and towns like Mahbubnagar, Kurnool, and Kadapa, offering good road connectivity.

Route 2

Hyderabad – Vijayawada – Nellore – Tirupati:

  • Start from Hyderabad and head east on NH65 towards Vijayawada.
  • Continue on NH65 and pass through Vijayawada.
  • From Vijayawada, follow the road towards Nellore.
  • Once you reach Nellore, take NH71 toward Tirupati.

This route is relatively longer but provides an alternative option with good road conditions and scenic views.

Hyderabad to Tirupati Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket prices from Hyderabad to Tirupati can vary depending on factors such as the type of bus, operator, and availability. Generally, the prices for bus tickets on this route range from approximately Rs. 300 to Rs. 1,000. However, it’s important to note that these prices are approximate and subject to change.

Different bus types such as non-AC, AC, sleeper, semi-sleeper, or luxury buses have varying ticket prices.

Hyderabad to Tirupati Train

There are several trains that connect Hyderabad and Tirupati. Here are some popular train options:

Narayanadri Express (Train No. 12733/12734)

This train runs between Secunderabad Junction (HYB) in Hyderabad and Tirupati Main (TPTY) stations. It operates on a daily basis and offers both sleeper class and AC class accommodations.

Venkatadri Express (Train No. 12797/12798)

This train connects Hyderabad Deccan Nampally (HYB) and Tirupati Main (TPTY) stations. It operates on a daily basis and offers sleeper class and AC class accommodations.

Rayalaseema Express (Train No. 17429/17430)

This is another popular train that runs between Hyderabad Deccan Nampally (HYB) and Tirupati Main (TPTY) stations. It operates daily and offers both sleeper class and AC class accommodations.

Padmavati Express (Train No. 12763/12764)

This train connects Secunderabad Junction (HYB) in Hyderabad and Tirupati Main (TPTY) stations. It operates on a daily basis and offers sleeper class and AC class accommodations.

Hyderabad to Tirupati Train Ticket Price

The train ticket prices from Hyderabad to Tirupati can vary based on the train class, type of train, and availability. The following are the approximate ticket price ranges for different train classes:

  • Sleeper Class (SL): The ticket prices for sleeper classes in trains from Hyderabad to Tirupati typically range from around Rs. 200 to Rs. 400, depending on the specific train and availability.
  • AC Chair Car (CC): For trains that offer AC chair car class, the ticket prices can range from approximately Rs. 500 to Rs. 800, depending on the specific train and availability.
  • AC 3 Tier (3A): The ticket prices for AC 3-tier class in trains from Hyderabad to Tirupati generally range from around Rs. 700 to Rs. 1,000, depending on the specific train and availability.
  • AC 2 Tier (2A): Trains with AC 2-tier class have relatively higher fares, with ticket prices ranging from approximately Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 1,500, depending on the specific train and availability.

Hyderabad to Tirupati Flight

Flights are a convenient option to travel from Hyderabad to Tirupati. The nearest airport to Tirupati is Tirupati Airport (TIR), also known as Sri Venkateswara Airport. Several airlines operate regular flights between Hyderabad and Tirupati. The flight duration is typically around 1 hour.

Some of the airlines that operate flights on this route include:

  • Air India: Air India operates regular flights from Hyderabad to Tirupati. You can check their official website or other flight booking platforms for schedules and ticket prices.
  • TruJet: TruJet is a regional airline that offers flights between Hyderabad and Tirupati. You can check their official website or other flight booking platforms for schedules and ticket prices.
  • SpiceJet: SpiceJet is another airline that provides flight services between Hyderabad and Tirupati. You can visit their official website or other flight booking platforms for schedules and ticket prices.

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