If you want to go to Haridwar from Dehradun then the route map guide from Dehradun to Haridwar distance is shared here. Dehradun-Haridwar is a very busy route because many passengers travel on a daily and weekly basis by bus, train, or by car.
Dehradun to Haridwar Distance
The distance between Dehradun and Haridwar is approximately 54 kilometers (33.5 miles) by road. It takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to travel from Dehradun to Haridwar by car, depending on traffic and road conditions.
There are also buses and trains available that connect the two cities, with travel times ranging from 1 hour to 2.5 hours depending on the mode of transport and the specific route taken.
Dehradun to Haridwar by Road
If you want to travel from Dehradun to Haridwar by road, there are primarily two routes that you can take. Here are the details for both of them:
Route 1
Dehradun ISBT to Haridwar via NH334 and NH7
This is the most commonly used route to travel from Dehradun ISBT to Haridwar. The distance between the two places via this route is approximately 52 kilometers and it takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to reach Haridwar by car, depending on traffic conditions.
Here are the step-by-step directions for this route:
- Start from Dehradun ISBT and head towards Saharanpur Road.
- Take the right turn onto Saharanpur Road.
- Drive straight on Saharanpur Road and take the right turn onto NH334.
- Follow NH334 for approximately 18 kilometers and then turn right onto NH7.
- Continue on NH7 for about 20 kilometers and you will reach Haridwar.
Route 2Â
Dehradun ISBT to Haridwar via NH72 and NH7
This route is slightly longer than the first one, but it is a good alternative if you want to avoid traffic on the first route. The distance between the two places via this route is approximately 57 kilometers and it takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to reach Haridwar by car, depending on traffic conditions.
Here are the step-by-step directions for this route:
- Start from Dehradun ISBT and head towards Rajpur Road.
- Take the left turn onto Rajpur Road and continue for about 3 kilometers.
- Turn right onto NH72 and continue for approximately 24 kilometers.
- Turn left onto NH7 and continue for about 25 kilometers.
- You will reach Haridwar.
Note: Both of these routes are well-maintained and safe for travel. However, it is always advisable to check the road conditions and traffic before starting your journey.
Dehradun to Haridwar by Train
Dehradun and Haridwar are well-connected by train, and there are several trains that run between the two cities on a daily basis. Here’s how you can travel from Dehradun to Haridwar by train:
- Check the train schedule and availability: You can check the train schedule and availability online on the Indian Railways website or any other reputable travel portal. Choose a train that suits your schedule and preferences.
- Reach the Dehradun Railway Station: The Dehradun Railway Station is located in the heart of the city, and you can reach there by taking a taxi, auto-rickshaw, or bus from any part of the city.
- Board the train: Once you reach the Dehradun Railway Station, find your train and board it. Make sure to carry your ticket and valid ID proof.
- Travel to Haridwar: The train journey from Dehradun to Haridwar takes about 1.5 to 2.5 hours, depending on the train and its stops. During the journey, you can enjoy the scenic views of the hills and forests along the way.
- Reach Haridwar Railway Station: Once you reach the Haridwar Railway Station, disembark from the train and collect your luggage. From the station, you can take a taxi, auto-rickshaw, or bus to your desired destination in Haridwar.
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