Mathura to Haridwar Distance


If you want to go to Haridwar from Mathura then the route map guide from Mathura to Haridwar distance is shared here. Mathura-Haridwar is a very busy route because many passengers travel on a daily and weekly basis by bus, train, or by car.

Mathura to Haridwar Distance

mathura to haridwar distance

The distance between Mathura and Haridwar is approximately 356 kilometers by road. The most common route is via the National Highway 19 (NH 19) and the travel time can vary depending on the mode of transportation and any stops along the way.

If you plan to travel by road, you can either hire a taxi or take a bus. The drive from Mathura to Haridwar takes around 7-8 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and any breaks you take along the way.

Mathura to Haridwar by Road

There are various routes you can take to reach Haridwar from Mathura. The most common route is via National Highway 19 (NH 19), which connects Mathura to Haridwar and passes through various cities and towns.

Here’s a possible route that you can take:

Mathura ➜ Agra ➜ Firozabad ➜ Etah ➜ Aligarh ➜ Khatauli ➜ Haridwar

Mathura to Agra: Start your journey from Mathura and head towards Agra via NH 19. The distance between Mathura and Agra is around 60 kilometers, and it takes around 1.5 hours to reach Agra.

Agra to Firozabad: From Agra, continue on NH 19 towards Firozabad, which is approximately 40 kilometers away. It takes around 45 minutes to reach Firozabad from Agra.

Firozabad to Etah: From Firozabad, continue on NH 19 towards Etah, which is approximately 65 kilometers away. It takes around 1.5 hours to reach Etah from Firozabad.

Etah to Aligarh: From Etah, continue on NH 19 towards Aligarh, which is approximately 85 kilometers away. It takes around 2 hours to reach Aligarh from Etah.

Aligarh to Khatauli: From Aligarh, continue on NH 19 towards Khatauli, which is approximately 110 kilometers away. It takes around 2.5 hours to reach Khatauli from Aligarh.

Khatauli to Haridwar: From Khatauli, continue on NH 58 towards Haridwar, which is approximately 45 kilometers away. It takes around 1 hour to reach Haridwar from Khatauli.

Mathura to Haridwar by Train

You can travel from Mathura to Haridwar by train. There are several trains that operate between these two cities, and the travel time can vary between 5-9 hours depending on the train you choose and any stops along the way. Here are some of the popular trains that run between Mathura and Haridwar:

Haridwar Express (19031): This train runs between Ahmedabad Junction and Haridwar Junction, and it has a stop at Mathura Junction. The train departs from Mathura at 03:08 am and reaches Haridwar at 09:10 am, taking a total travel time of 6 hours and 2 minutes.

Yoga Express (19032): This train runs between Haridwar Junction and Ahmedabad Junction, and it has a stop at Mathura Junction. The train departs from Mathura at 04:30 pm and reaches Haridwar at 11:35 pm, taking a total travel time of 7 hours and 5 minutes.

Dehradun Express (19020): This train runs between Dehradun and Mumbai Bandra Terminus, and it has a stop at Mathura Junction and Haridwar Junction. The train departs from Mathura at 06:35 am and reaches Haridwar at 12:15 pm, taking a total travel time of 5 hours and 40 minutes.

Agra to Haridwar Flights

There are no direct flights available from Mathura to Haridwar as there is no airport in Mathura. The nearest airport to Mathura is the Kheria Airport in Agra, which is approximately 50 kilometers away from Mathura. However, Kheria Airport has limited flight connectivity, and there are no direct flights available to Haridwar from Agra.

If you want to travel from Mathura to Haridwar, you can consider taking a train or a road journey instead.

You can either take a direct train from Mathura to Haridwar, or you can travel to nearby cities like Delhi or Dehradun and then take a connecting train or road journey to Haridwar.

Alternatively, you can also hire a taxi or a private car and drive from Mathura to Haridwar. The road distance between Mathura and Haridwar is around 356 kilometers, and the journey can take around 7-8 hours depending on the traffic conditions.

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