Rishikesh to Kedarnath Distance (227 km) Route Map, Road, Bus


Here you will find a travel guide on how to cover the distance between Rishikesh to Kedarnath by road train or flight. If you want to reach Kedarnath from Rishikesh then this article may help you.

Rishikesh to Kedarnath Distance

rishikesh to kedarnath distance

  • The distance between Rishikesh and Kedarnath is approximately 227 kilometers by road.
  • However, it’s important to note that there is no direct road access to Kedarnath and visitors have to either trek or take a helicopter to reach the town.
  • The trek from Gaurikund, which is the last motorable point, to Kedarnath is around 16 kilometers (9.94 miles) and takes around 6-7 hours to complete.

Rishikesh to Kedarnath distance by Road

The journey from Rishikesh to Kedarnath by road is approximately 227 kilometers (141 miles) and takes around 8-9 hours to complete, depending on the traffic and weather conditions.

Here are the detailed steps to travel from Rishikesh to Kedarnath by road:

Start from Rishikesh: The journey begins in Rishikesh, a popular tourist destination and a major gateway to the Himalayas. Rishikesh is well-connected to major cities in India by road, rail, and air.

Rishikesh to Rudraprayag: From Rishikesh, the first major town you will reach is Rudraprayag, which is approximately 140 kilometers (87 miles) away. The road to Rudraprayag passes through scenic mountainous terrain, and there are several small towns and villages on the way.

Rudraprayag to Agastyamuni: After Rudraprayag, the next major town on the route is Agastyamuni, which is approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) away. Agastyamuni is a small town located on the banks of the river Mandakini, and there are several guesthouses and hotels here where you can rest and refresh yourself.

Agastyamuni to Tilwara: From Agastyamuni, the road to Kedarnath passes through the town of Tilwara, which is approximately 30 kilometers (18 miles) away. The road here becomes steeper and narrower, and you will start seeing the Himalayan peaks in the distance.

Tilwara to Gaurikund: The road ends at Gaurikund, which is approximately 5 kilometers (3 miles) away from Kedarnath. Gaurikund is the last motorable point on the route, and from here, you have to either trek or hire a palanquin or a horse to reach Kedarnath.

Gaurikund to Kedarnath Trek: The trek from Gaurikund to Kedarnath is approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) long and takes around 6-8 hours to complete, depending on your fitness level and the weather conditions. The trek is steep and challenging, but the scenery is breathtakingly beautiful, with snow-capped peaks, waterfalls, and lush green valleys.

Reach Kedarnath: Finally, you will reach Kedarnath, which is located at an altitude of 3,583 meters (11,755 feet) above sea level. Kedarnath is one of the four sacred shrines of Hinduism, and it is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

The temple here is believed to have been built by the Pandavas during the Mahabharata era, and it attracts thousands of devotees every year.

Rishikesh to Kedarnath Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket price from Rishikesh to Kedarnath can vary depending on the type of bus and the operator.

  • However, the approximate ticket price for a government-run bus from Rishikesh to Kedarnath is around INR 300-400 (USD 4-5.50) per person.
  • Private bus operators may charge slightly more, with ticket prices ranging from INR 500-700 (USD 6.80-9.50) per person.

It is important to note that buses only run up to Gaurikund, which is the last motorable point on the route. From Gaurikund, you will have to either trek or hire a palanquin or a horse to reach Kedarnath, which is approximately 16 kilometers (10 miles) away. The trek from Gaurikund to Kedarnath takes around 6-8 hours to complete, depending on your fitness level and the weather conditions.

Rishikesh to Kedarnath by Train

There is no direct train connectivity between Rishikesh and Kedarnath as Kedarnath does not have a railway station. However, the nearest railway station to Kedarnath is Rishikesh, which is approximately 227 kilometers (141 miles) away from Kedarnath. Here are the steps to travel from Rishikesh to Kedarnath by train and road:

Take a train to Rishikesh: Rishikesh is well-connected to major cities in India by train, and there are several trains that run daily from Delhi to Rishikesh. The journey takes around 6-7 hours, depending on the train and the route.

Rishikesh to Kedarnath Flights

There is no airport in Kedarnath, so there are no direct flights from Rishikesh to Kedarnath. The nearest airport to Kedarnath is Jolly Grant Airport, located in Dehradun, which is approximately 267 kilometers away from Kedarnath. Here are the steps to travel from Rishikesh to Kedarnath by flight and road:

Take a flight to Dehradun: There are several flights that operate daily from Delhi to Dehradun. The flight takes around 55 minutes to reach Dehradun.

How to reach Kedarnath by Helicopter?

  • One can take a helicopter service from Phata or Guptkashi to Kedarnath.
  • Phata is around 192 km from Rishikesh, and it takes around 7-8 hours to reach there by road. The helicopter ride from Phata to Kedarnath takes around 10-15 minutes.

It’s important to note that helicopter services are subject to weather conditions, and it’s advisable to check the weather forecast before booking the tickets. Additionally, the helicopter services can be expensive, and it’s recommended to book the tickets in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

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