Delhi to Kedarnath Distance Route By Road, Train, Flights


Here you will find a travel guide on how to cover the distance between Delhi to Kedarnath by road train or flight. If you live in Delhi or want to reach Kedarnath from Delhi then this article may help you.

Delhi to Kedarnath Distance

delhi to kedarnath distance

  • The distance between Delhi and Kedarnath is approximately 466 kilometers.

The exact distance will depend on the specific route you take, as there are a few different ways to reach Kedarnath from Delhi.

How To Reach Kedarnath from Delhi?

There are several ways to reach Kedarnath from Delhi. Here are the most common modes of transportation:

  • Delhi to Kedarnath by Road
  • Delhi to Kedarnath Trains
  • Delhi to Kedarnath Flight

The quickest route is usually to take the NH9 highway from Delhi to Hapur, then continue on the NH34 to Moradabad. From there, you can take the NH7 to Rudrapur, and then take the SH49 to Kedarnath. The entire journey by car will take around 12-14 hours, depending on traffic and other factors.

To travel from New Delhi to Kedarnath by road, you would typically need to follow a route that includes multiple modes of transportation, including driving and trekking.

New Delhi to Kedarnath by Road

Kedarnath is located in the state of Uttarakhand, and it is not directly accessible by road from New Delhi due to the mountainous terrain of the region. Here is a commonly followed route:

New Delhi to Haridwar

Start your journey by road from New Delhi to Haridwar, which is approximately 230 kilometers away. You can take National Highway 334 or National Highway 7 (NH7) to reach Haridwar. The journey usually takes around 4-6 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions.

Haridwar to Rishikesh

From Haridwar, continue your journey towards Rishikesh, which is about 20 kilometers away. Rishikesh is known as the gateway to the Garhwal Himalayas and is a popular spiritual destination. The drive from Haridwar to Rishikesh takes around 30-45 minutes.

Rishikesh to Sonprayag

After reaching Rishikesh, you will need to travel to Sonprayag, which is the last motorable point on the way to Kedarnath. The distance between Rishikesh and Sonprayag is approximately 215 kilometers. You can take National Highway 58 (NH58) and follow the scenic route along the Alaknanda River. The drive usually takes around 7-9 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions.

Sonprayag to Gaurikund

Once you reach Sonprayag, you will need to leave your vehicle behind as Gaurikund, the base camp for the Kedarnath trek, is not accessible by road. From Sonprayag, you can either walk or hire a local taxi to reach Gaurikund, which is about 5 kilometers away. The journey from Sonprayag to Gaurikund can take around 20-30 minutes by taxi or a couple of hours on foot.

Gaurikund to Kedarnath

From Gaurikund, you will begin the trek to Kedarnath. The distance from Gaurikund to Kedarnath is approximately 16 kilometers. It is a steep uphill trek through a picturesque trail, and it usually takes around 6-8 hours to reach Kedarnath, depending on your fitness level and pace.

New Delhi to Kedarnath Trains

There are no direct train services available from Delhi to Kedarnath as Kedarnath does not have a railway station. The nearest railway station to Kedarnath is Rishikesh Railway Station, which is approximately 210 kilometers (130 miles) away from Kedarnath. From Rishikesh, you would need to travel by road to reach Kedarnath.

To reach Rishikesh from Delhi by train, you can consider the following options:

New Delhi to Haridwar Trains: Several trains operate between New Delhi Railway Station and Haridwar Junction. The travel time is around 4-5 hours. From Haridwar, you can continue your journey to Rishikesh by road.

New Delhi to Dehradun Trains: Trains also connect New Delhi Railway Station with Dehradun Railway Station. The travel time is approximately 5-6 hours. From Dehradun, you can travel to Rishikesh by road.

Once you reach Rishikesh, you can hire a taxi or take a shared cab or bus to reach Gaurikund, which is the base point for the trek to Kedarnath. From Gaurikund, you would need to trek for about 16 kilometers (10 miles) to reach Kedarnath

New Delhi to Kedarnath Flights

There are no direct flights available from New Delhi to Kedarnath as Kedarnath does not have an airport. The nearest airport to Kedarnath is the Jolly Grant Airport (DED) in Dehradun, which is approximately 240 kilometers (149 miles) away from Kedarnath.

The journey from Dehradun to Kedarnath by road is approximately 240 kilometers and takes around 8-9 hours by car.

To reach Kedarnath from New Delhi by air, you would need to follow these steps:

New Delhi to Dehradun Flights

  • You can book a flight from New Delhi to the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun.
  • Several airlines operate regular flights on this route. The flight duration is typically around 1 hour.
  • Once you arrive at the Dehradun airport, you would need to continue your journey to Kedarnath by road.

Dehradun Airport to Kedarnath

  • From the Dehradun airport, you can hire a taxi or take a shared cab to reach the town of Sonprayag, which is the base point for the trek to Kedarnath.
  • The distance between Dehradun and Sonprayag is approximately 207 kilometers (129 miles).
  • From Sonprayag, you would need to trek for about 16 kilometers (10 miles) to reach Kedarnath.

FAQ About Delhi To Kedarnath Trip

Here are the frequently asked questions about how to reach Kedarnath from Delhi.

How to reach Kedarnath from Delhi?

One can reach Kedarnath from Delhi by road, train, or air. The nearest airport is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, and the nearest railway station is Haridwar. From there, one can travel by road to reach Kedarnath.

How to go to Kedarnath from Delhi by Train?

The nearest railway station to Kedarnath is Haridwar. There are several trains that operate between Delhi and Haridwar. After reaching Haridwar, one can take a taxi or a bus to reach Kedarnath.

How to reach Kedarnath from Delhi by Bus?

One can take a bus from Delhi to Haridwar or Rishikesh and then take another bus or taxi to reach Kedarnath. The distance between Delhi and Kedarnath is around 466 km, and it takes around 12-14 hours by road to reach Kedarnath.

How to reach Kedarnath from Delhi by Helicopter?

One can take a helicopter service from Phata or Guptkashi to Kedarnath. Phata is around 466 km from Delhi, and it takes around 14 hours to reach there by road. The helicopter ride from Phata to Kedarnath takes around 10-15 minutes.

How many days are required to visit Kedarnath from New Delhi?

It usually takes around 3-4 days to visit Kedarnath from Delhi, including travel time. The duration of the trip can be extended if one wants to explore other nearby places.

How to go to Kedarnath from New Delhi by Flight?

The nearest airport to Kedarnath is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun. There are several flights that operate between Delhi and Dehradun. After reaching Dehradun, one can take a taxi or a bus to reach Kedarnath.

How to reach Kedarnath from Delhi by Car?

One can take a taxi or drive from Delhi to Kedarnath. The distance between Delhi and Kedarnath is around 466 km, and it takes around 12-14 hours to reach Kedarnath by road.

How much time does it take to reach Kedarnath from Delhi?

The time taken to reach Kedarnath from Delhi depends on the mode of transportation chosen. It takes around 12-14 hours by road, 7-8 hours by helicopter, and 3-4 hours by flight to reach Kedarnath.

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