Haridwar to Kedarnath Distance (252 km) by Road, Bus, Train


Here you will find a travel guide on how to cover the distance between Haridwar to Kedarnath by road train or flight. If you want to reach Kedarnath from Haridwar then this article may help you.

Haridwar to Kedarnath Distance

haridwar to kedarnath distance

  • The distance between Haridwar and Kedarnath is approximately 252 kilometers by road.
  • However, it’s important to note that there is no direct road access to Kedarnath and visitors have to either trek or take a helicopter to reach the town.
  • The trek from Gaurikund, which is the last motorable point, to Kedarnath is around 16 kilometers (10 miles) and takes around 6-7 hours to complete.

The helicopter service from Phata to Kedarnath is available for visitors, and it takes around 10-15 minutes to reach Kedarnath.

Haridwar to Kedarnath by Road

To travel from Haridwar to Kedarnath by road, you can follow the route

Haridwar ➜ Rishikesh ➜ Devprayag ➜ Srinagar ➜ Rudraprayag ➜ Agastyamuni ➜ Kund ➜ Guptkashi ➜ Gaurikund ➜ Kedarnath.

The total distance by road is approximately 252 kilometers, and it takes around 8-10 hours to cover this distance. However, it’s important to note that the road beyond Gaurikund is closed to regular vehicular traffic, and visitors have to either trek or take a helicopter to reach Kedarnath.

It’s also advisable to check the road conditions and weather forecast before embarking on the journey, especially during the monsoon season when the roads can be slippery and prone to landslides. Additionally, it’s recommended to hire a reliable and experienced driver for the journey due to the challenging terrain and steep inclines.

Haridwar to Kedarnath Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket price for Haridwar to Kedarnath can vary depending on the type of bus and the operator. However, there is no direct bus service available between Haridwar and Kedarnath, and visitors have to either take a shared taxi or a private taxi to reach Gaurikund, which is the last motorable point before Kedarnath.

The shared taxi fare from Haridwar to Gaurikund is around INR 700-800 per person, while the private taxi fare can range from INR 4,000-5,000 for a small car to INR 10,000-12,000 for a larger vehicle like a Tempo Traveller.

Note: *Prices can vary depending on the season, demand, and availability, and it’s recommended to book the taxi in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles. Additionally, visitors are advised to check the safety and reliability of the taxi operator before booking the taxi to ensure a comfortable and safe journey.

Haridwar to Kedarnath by Train

There is no direct train connectivity between Haridwar and Kedarnath since Kedarnath is a remote town in the Himalayas and has no railway station. However, you can take a train from Haridwar to reach the nearest railway station, which is located in Rishikesh. From Rishikesh, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Gaurikund, which is the last motorable point before Kedarnath.

Alternatively, you can also take a train from Haridwar to reach Dehradun, which is another major railway station in the region. From Dehradun, you can take a taxi or a bus to reach Gaurikund.

After reaching Gaurikund, visitors have to either trek or take a helicopter to reach Kedarnath. The trek from Gaurikund to Kedarnath is around 16 kilometers (9.94 miles) and takes around 6-7 hours to complete. The helicopter service from Phata to Kedarnath is also available for visitors, and it takes around 10-15 minutes to reach Kedarnath.

Haridwar to Kedarnath Flights

There are no direct flights from Haridwar to Kedarnath since Kedarnath is a remote town in the Himalayas and does not have an airport. The nearest airport to Kedarnath is the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, which is around 252 kilometers from Kedarnath.

From the Jolly Grant Airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to reach Gaurikund, which is the last motorable point before Kedarnath. After reaching Gaurikund, visitors have to either trek or take a helicopter to reach Kedarnath.

The trek from Gaurikund to Kedarnath is around 16 kilometers (9.94 miles) and takes around 6-7 hours to complete. The helicopter service from Phata to Kedarnath is also available for visitors, and it takes around 10-15 minutes to reach Kedarnath.

How to reach Kedarnath by Helicopter?

  • One can take a helicopter service from Phata or Guptkashi to Kedarnath.
  • Phata is around 252 km from Haridwar, and it takes around 7-8 hours to reach there by road. The helicopter ride from Phata to Kedarnath takes around 10-15 minutes.

It’s important to note that helicopter services are subject to weather conditions, and it’s advisable to check the weather forecast before booking the tickets. Additionally, the helicopter services can be expensive, and it’s recommended to book the tickets in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

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