Jaipur to Nainital Distance


This route map guide shows how to cover Jaipur to Nainital distance by road, bus ticket price, train timings, and flight fare.

Jaipur to Nainital Distance

jaipur to nainital distance

The distance between Jaipur and Nainital is around 578 kilometers.

The best way to travel from Jaipur to Nainital is by road, and the journey takes approximately 12 to 14 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions.

How to Reach Nainital from Jaipur?

  • Jaipur to Nainital by Road
  • Jaipur to Nainital by Train
  • Jaipur to Nainital by Flight

Jaipur to Nainital Road Map

Here are some of the possible routes to travel from Jaipur to Nainital by road:

Route 1

Jaipur – Delhi – Nainital

  • Start from Jaipur and head towards NH48.
  • Follow NH48 till you reach Delhi.
  • Take the DND Flyway and continue on the Yamuna Expressway till you reach Hapur.
  • From Hapur, take NH9 towards Moradabad.
  • From Moradabad, take the NH309A towards Bilaspur, Rudrapur, and Haldwani.
  • From Haldwani, take the NH109 towards Nainital.
  • Once you reach Nainital, you can take the Mall Road or any other local road to reach your destination.

Route 2

Jaipur – Agra – Nainital

  • Start from Jaipur and head towards NH48.
  • Follow NH48 till you reach Agra.
  • From Agra, take NH509 towards Aligarh.
  • From Aligarh, take NH34 towards Moradabad.
  • From Moradabad, take the NH309A towards Bilaspur, Rudrapur, and Haldwani.
  • From Haldwani, take the NH109 towards Nainital.
  • Once you reach Nainital, you can take the Mall Road or any other local road to reach your destination.

Route 3: Jaipur – Ajmer – Delhi – Nainital

  • Start from Jaipur and head towards NH48.
  • Follow NH48 till you reach Ajmer.
  • From Ajmer, take the NH48 towards Jaipur and continue till you reach Delhi.
  • Take the DND Flyway and continue on the Yamuna Expressway till you reach Hapur.
  • From Hapur, take NH9 towards Moradabad.
  • From Moradabad, take the NH309A towards Bilaspur, Rudrapur, and Haldwani.
  • From Haldwani, take the NH109 towards Nainital.
  • Once you reach Nainital, you can take the Mall Road or any other local road to reach your destination.

These routes cover a distance of approximately 650-700 kilometers, and it can take around 12-14 hours to reach Nainital, depending on the traffic conditions and the number of stops you make. It is advisable to start early in the morning to avoid traffic congestion and to reach your destination before nightfall.

Jaipur to Nainital Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket price for Jaipur to Nainital can vary depending on the type of bus, comfort level, and time of travel. However, the approximate bus ticket price for a standard non-AC sleeper bus can range from INR 800 to INR 1200.

The ticket price may increase if you choose a more luxurious bus with additional amenities. It is always recommended to check with various bus operators and booking platforms to get the best deals and prices.

Additionally, it is advisable to book your bus tickets in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to avoid last-minute price hikes or unavailability of seats.

Jaipur to Nainital Train

There are no direct trains from Jaipur to Nainital. However, you can take a train from Jaipur to Kathgodam, which is the nearest railway station to Nainital, and then take a taxi or bus to reach Nainital.

The distance between Kathgodam and Nainital is around 35 kilometers, and it takes approximately one hour to cover this distance.

Some of the trains that operate from Jaipur to Kathgodam are the Anvt Kgm Sf Exp, Kathgodam Express, and Bagh Express.

These trains have different schedules and travel times, so it is recommended to check the availability and timings of trains on the Indian Railways website or app and book your tickets accordingly.

Jaipur to Nainital Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket price for Jaipur to Nainital can vary depending on the type of bus, comfort level, and time of travel. However, the approximate bus ticket price for a standard non-AC sleeper bus can range from INR 800 to INR 1200.

The ticket price may increase if you choose a more luxurious bus with additional amenities. It is always recommended to check with various bus operators and booking platforms to get the best deals and prices.

Additionally, it is advisable to book your bus tickets in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to avoid last-minute price hikes or unavailability of seats.

Jaipur to Nainital Flights

There are no direct flights from Jaipur to Nainital since Nainital does not have its own airport. The nearest airport to Nainital is the Pantnagar Airport, which is around 70 kilometers away.

However, there are no direct flights from Jaipur to Pantnagar, so you may have to take a connecting flight via Delhi or Dehradun.

Once you reach Pantnagar Airport, you can take a taxi or bus to reach Nainital. The travel time from Jaipur to Nainital can vary depending on the flight and layover time.

It is recommended to check the flight schedules and prices on various airline websites and booking platforms to choose the most suitable option for you.

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