Haldwani to Nainital Distance


This route map guide shows how to cover Haldwani to Nainital distance by road, bus ticket price, train timings, and flight fare.

Haldwani to Nainital Distance

haldwani to nainital distance

The distance between Haldwani and Nainital is approximately 42 kilometers.

How to Reach Nainital from Haldwani?

  • Haldwani to Nainital by Road
  • Haldwani to Nainital by Train
  • Haldwani to Nainital by Flight

Haldwani to Nainital Road Map

The road distance between Haldwani and Nainital is around 42 kilometers, and the route is very scenic and picturesque. Here are the different routes that you can take:

Road 1: Via NH 109

The most popular route to reach Nainital from Haldwani is via NH 109. You can take the Haldwani Bypass and then drive through NH 109 which passes through Kaladhungi and takes you to Nainital.

Road 2: Via Kaladhungi Road

Another popular route is via Kaladhungi Road, which is a shorter route but can be a bit challenging due to narrow roads and hairpin bends. You can take Kaladhungi Road from Haldwani and follow the signs to Nainital.

Road 3: Via Bhowali Road

The Bhowali Road is another scenic route that you can take to reach Nainital. You can take the Haldwani Bypass and then follow the signs to Bhowali. From there, you can take the Bhowali Road that leads to Nainital.

Road 4: Via Naukuchiatal

If you want to explore the scenic beauty of the area, you can take the route that passes through Naukuchiatal. You can take the Haldwani Bypass and then follow the signs to Bhimtal. From Bhimtal, you can take the road to Naukuchiatal and then continue to Nainital.

All these routes are well-maintained and offer breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys.

Haldwani to Nainital Bus Ticket Price

Haldwani to Nainital is a short distance, and there are regular bus services available between the two cities. The approximate bus ticket price ranges from Rs. 50 to Rs. 150, depending on the type of bus and the operator.

You can find a number of buses, including state transport buses and private buses, plying between Haldwani and Nainital.

The journey takes around 1-1.5 hours, and the ticket prices can vary based on the bus type, seating options, and other factors. It is advisable to book your bus tickets in advance to avoid last-minute rush and higher prices.

Haldwani to Nainital Train

There is no direct train from Haldwani to Nainital as they are both located in the same district of Uttarakhand. However, one can take a train from Haldwani to Kathgodam, which is the nearest railway station to Nainital. The distance between Kathgodam and Nainital is approximately 24 km.

There are several trains that run between Haldwani and Kathgodam such as the Kumaon Express, Bagh Express, and Uttarakhand Sampark Kranti Express, among others. The journey takes around 30 minutes to an hour depending on the train you choose.

Once you reach Kathgodam, you can take a taxi or a shared jeep to reach Nainital. The travel time from Kathgodam to Nainital is around 45 minutes to an hour depending on the traffic and the mode of transport.

Haldwani to Nainital Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket price for Haldwani to Nainital can vary depending on the type of bus and the operator. On average, the fare can range from Rs. 100 to Rs. 250 per person. It is recommended to check with different bus operators to compare prices and choose the one that suits your budget and requirements.

Haldwani to Nainital Flights

Haldwani does not have an airport, so there are no direct flights available from Haldwani to Nainital. The nearest airport to Nainital is Pantnagar Airport, which is around 70 km away.

Flights are available from major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata to Pantnagar. From Pantnagar, one can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Nainital.

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