Haridwar to Nainital Distance


This route map guide shows how to cover Haridwar to Nainital distance by road, bus ticket price, train timings, and flight fare.

Haridwar to Nainital Distance

haridwar to nainital distance

The distance between Haridwar and Nainital is approximately 243 kilometers by road. The driving time may vary depending on the route and traffic conditions, but it typically takes around 5-6 hours to reach Nainital from Haridwar by car or bus.

It’s a scenic drive through the hills of Uttarakhand, with many small towns and villages along the way. If you’re traveling by public transport, there are regular buses and shared taxis that run between Haridwar and Nainital.

How to Reach Nainital from Haridwar?

  • Haridwar to Nainital by Road
  • Haridwar to Nainital by Train
  • Haridwar to Nainital by Flight

Haridwar to Nainital Road Map

There are different routes you can take to travel by road from Haridwar to Nainital, depending on your preference and road conditions. Here are the two most common routes:

Route 1: via NH 109

The NH 109 route is the most popular and straightforward route to reach Nainital from Haridwar. The route passes through Rishikesh, Devprayag, Srinagar, Rudraprayag, Karnaprayag, and Almora before reaching Nainital.

The total distance covered by this route is approximately 290 kilometers, and it takes around 8-9 hours to reach Nainital by road. The road conditions on this route are generally good, but it can get crowded during peak tourist season.

Route 2: via NH 534 and NH 309

Another route to reach Nainital from Haridwar is via NH 534 and NH 309. This route is slightly shorter than the NH 109 route, covering a distance of around 250 kilometers.

The route passes through Najibabad, Kotdwar, Dugadda, Kaladhungi, and Haldwani before reaching Nainital. This route is also less crowded and may take around 7-8 hours to reach Nainital by road.

Both these routes offer scenic views of the hills and valleys of Uttarakhand. It is advisable to start early in the morning to avoid traffic and reach Nainital before sunset.

Haridwar to Nainital Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket price for traveling from Haridwar to Nainital varies depending on the type of bus you choose and the bus operator. The price of a bus ticket may also vary depending on the season, with higher fares during peak tourist season.

On average, the bus ticket price for traveling from Haridwar to Nainital ranges from INR 300 to INR 1000 per person. The fare for a non-AC bus may be lower, while an AC bus may cost slightly more. Some of the bus operators that run on this route include Uttarakhand State Transport Corporation (UTC), Blue World Tourist Company, and JBG Travels.

It’s advisable to book your bus ticket in advance to get the best price and avoid any last-minute hassles. You can book your bus ticket online through various platforms like RedBus, MakeMyTrip, or AbhiBus, or visit the bus terminal in Haridwar to book your ticket offline.

Haridwar to Nainital Train

There is no direct train connectivity between Haridwar and Nainital. However, you can take a train from Haridwar to Kathgodam, which is the nearest railway station to Nainital, and then take a taxi or bus from there to reach Nainital.

The Haridwar to Kathgodam train journey takes around 5-6 hours, depending on the train you choose. Some of the popular trains that run on this route are the Ranikhet Express, Uttarakhand Sampark Kranti Express, and Bagh Express.

Once you reach Kathgodam, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Nainital, which is around 34 kilometers away from the railway station.

Haridwar to Nainital Bus Ticket Price

On average, the train ticket price for traveling from Haridwar to Kathgodam ranges from INR 100 to INR 1000 per person, depending on the class of travel.

It’s advisable to book your train tickets well in advance, especially during peak tourist season, as train tickets tend to sell out quickly.

You can check the availability of trains and book your tickets online through the Indian Railways website or through other online ticket booking platforms.

Haridwar to Nainital Flights

There is no direct flight connectivity between Haridwar and Nainital as there are no airports in either of these cities. However, you can take a flight from the nearest airport in Dehradun to Pantnagar, which is the nearest airport to Nainital, and then take a taxi or bus from there to reach Nainital.

The Dehradun airport is around 54 kilometers away from Haridwar, and it takes around 1-2 hours to reach the airport by road. The Pantnagar airport is around 68 kilometers away from Nainital, and it takes around 2-3 hours to reach Nainital by road from the airport.

Some of the airlines that operate flights between Dehradun and Pantnagar are Air India, IndiGo, and SpiceJet. The flight duration is around 1 hour, and the frequency of flights may vary depending on the season. It’s advisable to book your flights well in advance and check for the latest updates on flight schedules and fares.

Once you reach Pantnagar, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Nainital. It’s advisable to book your taxi in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

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