Kingston to Toronto Train


If you want to go to Toronto from Kingston then the travel guide for Kingston to Toronto train schedule is shared here.

Kingston to Toronto Train

kingston to toronto train

To travel by train from Kingston to Toronto, you can take advantage of the rail services provided by VIA Rail Canada. VIA Rail operates frequent train routes between these two cities. Here’s what you need to know:

Stations: The train departs from Kingston Station in Kingston and arrives at Union Station in downtown Toronto.

Duration: The duration of the journey varies depending on the type of train service you choose. The fastest option is the VIA Rail’s “Corridor” service, which takes approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes. Other services, such as the “Local” or “Regional” trains, may take longer.

Ticket Reservation: It’s recommended to make a reservation in advance, especially during peak travel times, to ensure availability. You can book your tickets online through the VIA Rail Canada website, or you can also purchase them at the station.

Ticket Types: VIA Rail offers different fare classes, including Economy, Economy Plus, and Business. Each class has its own amenities and pricing. Economy class is the most affordable option, while Business class offers additional comfort and perks.

Facilities: VIA Rail trains are equipped with various amenities, including comfortable seating, onboard Wi-Fi, power outlets, and washrooms. Some trains also have a dining car where you can purchase snacks and beverages.

Luggage: There is usually ample space for luggage on VIA Rail trains. Passengers are allowed to bring carry-on bags and checked luggage, but there might be restrictions on the number and size of bags. It’s best to review VIA Rail’s baggage policy for specific details.

Kingston to Toronto Train Timings and Schedule

VIA Rail operates multiple trains daily between Kingston and Toronto. The schedule typically includes trains in the morning, afternoon, and evening, allowing for flexibility in planning your trip. The duration of the journey may vary depending on the specific train and service type.

Here’s a sample schedule, but please verify the exact times before planning your trip:

  • Morning Departures: Trains usually depart from Kingston Station in the early morning hours, around 7:00 AM or 8:00 AM.
  • Afternoon Departures: Additional departures are typically available in the afternoon, with trains leaving Kingston around 12:00 PM or 1:00 PM.
  • Evening Departures: There are usually trains departing Kingston in the evening, around 5:00 PM or 6:00 PM, providing options for those who prefer to travel later in the day.

Kingston to Toronto Train Fare Prices

Here is a general overview of the fare prices for VIA Rail Canada trains from Kingston to Toronto:

Economy Class: This is the most affordable class of service. Economy fares typically range from approximately $40 to $80 CAD, depending on availability, time of booking, and specific train service.

Economy Plus Class: Economy Plus offers a slightly upgraded experience with additional amenities. The fare prices for this class are usually higher than Economy, ranging from approximately $60 to $100 CAD.

Business Class: Business Class provides enhanced comfort, priority boarding, and additional services. The fares for Business Class are higher compared to Economy and Economy Plus. Prices typically range from approximately $100 to $150 CAD.

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