Nellore to Hyderabad Distance


If you want to go to Hyderabad from Nellore then the route map guide from Nellore to Hyderabad distance is shared here.

Nellore to Hyderabad Distance

nellore to hyderabad distance

The distance between Nellore and Hyderabad is approximately 420 kilometers (261 miles) when traveling by road. Please note that this distance is an approximation and may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken and any detours or side trips along the way.

Nellore to Hyderabad by Road

To travel from Nellore to Hyderabad by road, you can consider the following routes:

Route 1

Nellore – Vijayawada – Hyderabad

  • Start from Nellore and head north on NH16 (National Highway 16) towards Vijayawada.
  • Continue on NH16, which is also known as Chennai-Kolkata Highway, until you reach Vijayawada.
  • In Vijayawada, continue on NH65 towards Hyderabad.
  • Follow NH65 until you reach your destination in Hyderabad.

Route 2

Nellore – Ongole – Khammam – Hyderabad

  • Start from Nellore and head west on NH16 towards Ongole.
  • From Ongole, continue on NH16 towards Khammam.
  • In Khammam, take NH65 or NH30 towards Hyderabad.
  • Follow the selected highway until you reach your destination in Hyderabad.

Nellore to Hyderabad by Train

To travel from Nellore to Hyderabad by train, you have several options. Here are a few popular train routes:

Nellore to Hyderabad Deccan Express

This train (number 17652) operates daily and provides a direct connection between Nellore and Hyderabad. It departs from Nellore Railway Station and arrives at Hyderabad Deccan Nampally Railway Station. The journey duration is approximately 8-9 hours.

Nellore to Secunderabad Express

This train (number 17256) also operates daily and connects Nellore to Secunderabad Junction, which is a major railway station in Hyderabad. From Secunderabad Junction, you can easily access other parts of Hyderabad via local transport. The travel time can vary, typically ranging from 7-9 hours.

Nellore to Hyderabad Intercity-Express

This train (number 12796) operates on specific days of the week. It departs from Nellore Railway Station and arrives at Hyderabad Deccan Nampally Railway Station. The journey duration is around 8-9 hours.

Nellore to Hyderabad Flight

To travel from Nellore to Hyderabad by flight, the nearest airport to Nellore is Tirupati Airport (TIR), which is approximately 130 kilometers away. From Tirupati, you can take a flight to Hyderabad’s Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (HYD). Here are the general steps to travel from Nellore to Hyderabad by flight:

Reach Tirupati Airport (TIR): You can travel to Tirupati Airport from Nellore by road, which takes approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions. You can hire a taxi or use public transportation to reach Tirupati Airport.

Check Flight Options: Check the flight options available from Tirupati Airport to Hyderabad’s Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. Multiple airlines operate flights on this route, and the flight duration is usually around 1 hour.

Book Your Flight: Once you have chosen the suitable flight, book your ticket either through the airline’s website or a reliable travel booking platform. It is recommended to book your flight in advance to secure the desired timing and seat availability.

Reach Hyderabad: Upon reaching Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad, you can avail of taxi services, app-based cab services, or airport shuttle services to reach your desired destination within Hyderabad.

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