Kolhapur to Mumbai Distance


If you want to go to Mumbai from Kolhapur then this article will guide you to cover Kolhapur to Mumbai distance by road, train, or flight.

Kolhapur to Mumbai Distance

kolhapur to mumbai distance
Kolhapur to Mumbai Route Map

The distance between Kolhapur and Mumbai is approximately 375 kilometers (233 miles) when traveling by road. Please note that this distance may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken and any detours encountered during the journey.

It usually takes around 6 to 8 hours to drive from Kolhapur to Mumbai, depending on the traffic conditions, the chosen route, and any rest stops along the way.

How To Reach Mumbai from Kolhapur?

There are several ways to reach Mumbai from Kolhapur. Here are the most common modes of transportation:

  • Kolhapur to Mumbai by Road
  • Kolhapur to Mumbai by Train
  • Kolhapur to Mumbai Flight

Kolhapur to Mumbai by Road

When traveling by road from Kolhapur to Mumbai, you have multiple route options. Here are two common routes:

Route 1: Via NH48 and NH66

  • Start from Kolhapur and head east on NH48 (also known as Pune-Bengaluru Highway) towards Satara.
  • Continue on NH48 and pass through Satara and Khandala.
  • Near Panvel, take the exit onto NH66 (also known as Mumbai-Pune Expressway) towards Mumbai.
  • Follow NH66, which will take you to the outskirts of Mumbai.
  • As you approach Mumbai, follow the signs and directions to reach your desired location within the city.

Route 2: Via NH166

  • Start from Kolhapur and head east on NH166 towards Gadhinglaj.
  • Continue on NH166 and pass through Amboli, Sawantwadi, and Vengurla.
  • Near Kudal, join NH66 and continue towards Mumbai.
  • Follow NH66, which will take you to the outskirts of Mumbai.
  • As you approach Mumbai, follow the signs and directions to reach your desired location within the city.

Kolhapur to Mumbai Trains

Kolhapur and Mumbai are well-connected by trains, and there are several trains that operate between the two cities. Here are some popular train options from Kolhapur to Mumbai:

Koyna Express (Train No. 11030/11029):

  • This train runs daily between Kolhapur and Mumbai.
  • It departs from Kolhapur and arrives at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) in Mumbai.
  • The journey takes approximately 9 to 10 hours, depending on the specific train and its schedule.
  • Koyna Express offers both sleeper class (SL) and AC classes like 3-tier AC (3A) and 2-tier AC (2A).

Sahyadri Express (Train No. 11024/11023):

  • This train runs daily between Kolhapur and Mumbai.
  • It departs from Kolhapur and arrives at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) in Mumbai.
  • The journey takes approximately 9 to 10 hours, depending on the specific train and its schedule.
  • Sahyadri Express offers both sleeper class (SL) and AC classes like 3-tier AC (3A) and 2-tier AC (2A).

Mahalaxmi Express (Train No. 17411/17412):

  • This train runs on specific days of the week between Kolhapur and Mumbai.
  • It departs from Kolhapur and arrives at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) in Mumbai.
  • The journey takes approximately 9 to 10 hours, depending on the specific train and its schedule.
  • Mahalaxmi Express offers both sleeper class (SL) and AC classes like 3-tier AC (3A) and 2-tier AC (2A).

Kolhapur to Mumbai Train Ticket Price

Here are the approximate ticket prices for popular trains from Kolhapur to Mumbai:

Koyna Express (Train No. 11030/11029): The ticket prices for this train can range from around INR 200 to INR 600 for sleeper class (SL), and from INR 800 to INR 1,500 for AC classes like 3-tier AC (3A) and 2-tier AC (2A).

Sahyadri Express (Train No. 11024/11023): The ticket prices for this train can range from around INR 200 to INR 600 for sleeper class (SL), and from INR 800 to INR 1,500 for AC classes like 3-tier AC (3A) and 2-tier AC (2A).

Mahalaxmi Express (Train No. 17411/17412): The ticket prices for this train can range from around INR 200 to INR 600 for sleeper class (SL), and from INR 800 to INR 1,500 for AC classes like 3-tier AC (3A) and 2-tier AC (2A).

Kolhapur to Mumbai Flight

Kolhapur does not have its own airport, so there are no direct flights from Kolhapur to Mumbai. However, you can consider the following options to travel by air from Kolhapur to Mumbai:

Kolhapur to Mumbai via Belgaum

  • Fly from Kolhapur to Belgaum Airport (IXG) using a regional airline.
  • From Belgaum, take a connecting flight to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (BOM) in Mumbai.
  • The total travel time will include the time taken for the layover in Belgaum.

Kolhapur to Mumbai via Pune:

  • Fly from Kolhapur to Pune Airport (PNQ) using a regional airline.
  • From Pune, take a domestic flight to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (BOM) in Mumbai.
  • The total travel time will include the time taken for the layover in Pune.

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