Delhi to Agra Distance


If you want to go to Agra from Delhi then the route map guide from Delhi to Agra distance is shared here. Delhi-Agra is a very busy route because many passengers travel on a daily and weekly basis by bus, train, or by car.

Delhi to Agra Distance

delhi to agra distance

The distance between Delhi and Agra is approximately 233 kilometers (145 miles) by road.

There are several modes of transportation available for traveling from Delhi to Agra, including buses, taxis, and trains. The fastest way to travel from Delhi to Agra is by car or taxi, as it offers the flexibility of stopping along the way and also saves time.

New Delhi to Agra by Road

There are several routes that one can take to travel by road from New Delhi to Agra. Here are the two most commonly used routes:

  • Via Yamuna Expressway: This is the most popular and fastest route to travel from New Delhi to Agra. The Yamuna Expressway is a six-lane, 165-kilometer (103-mile) toll road that connects Greater Noida (near Delhi) to Agra. The journey takes around 3-4 hours, depending on traffic conditions. To take this route, you need to first reach Greater Noida and then take the Yamuna Expressway towards Agra. There are several rest areas and food outlets along the way.
  • Via National Highway 19: This is another route that you can take to travel from New Delhi to Agra. National Highway 19, also known as the Delhi-Agra Highway, is a four-lane highway that connects New Delhi to Agra. The journey takes around 4-5 hours, depending on traffic conditions. To take this route, you need to head towards the Delhi-Jaipur Expressway and then turn towards NH 19. Along the way, you will pass through several small towns and cities, and there are several rest areas and food outlets along the way.

Both of these routes are well-maintained and safe and offer a comfortable and enjoyable journey. It is advisable to check the traffic conditions and weather before starting your journey and to plan your trip accordingly.

Delhi to Agra Bus Ticket Price

  • The bus ticket price for a journey from Delhi to Agra can vary depending on the type of bus, the operator, and the time of travel.
  • On average, the ticket price for a non-AC bus can range from INR 200-400, while the price for an AC bus can range from INR 400-800.

New Delhi to Agra by Train

New Delhi and Agra are connected by a well-established railway network, and there are several trains that run between the two cities every day.

The distance between New Delhi and Agra by train is approximately 200 km, and the journey can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the train and the route. Here are some popular trains that you can take to travel from New Delhi to Agra:

  • Gatimaan Express: This is a high-speed train that runs between New Delhi and Agra. It is the fastest train on this route, and it covers the distance in just 1 hour and 40 minutes.
  • Bhopal Shatabdi Express: This is another fast and popular train that runs between New Delhi and Agra. It takes approximately 2 hours to cover the distance.
  • Taj Express: This is a daily express train that runs between New Delhi and Agra. It takes approximately 3 hours to cover the distance.
  • Intercity Express: This is a daily express train that runs between New Delhi and Agra. It takes approximately 3 hours to cover the distance.

New Delhi to Agra Train Ticket Price

The train ticket price for a journey from New Delhi to Agra can vary depending on the class of travel, the type of train, and the availability of seats. Here are the approximate ticket prices for some of the popular trains on this route:

  • In Gatimaan Express, The fare for AC Chair Car is around INR 755, and for Executive Chair Car, it is around INR 1365.
  • In Shatabdi Express, The fare for AC Chair Car is around INR 540, and for Executive Chair Car, it is around INR 1015.
  • In Taj Express, The fare for AC Chair Car is around INR 355, and for Sleeper Class, it is around INR 125.
  • In Intercity Express, The fare for AC Chair Car is around INR 375, and for Sleeper Class, it is around INR 110.

New Delhi (DEL) to (AGR) Airport by Flight

There are flights available from New Delhi to Agra, and it is one of the quickest ways to travel between the two cities. However, please note that the distance between New Delhi and Agra is relatively short, and there are only a few flights operating on this route.

The flight duration is only around 1 hour, but you should consider the time required for check-in, security, and baggage collection at the airports.

The nearest airport to Agra is the Kheria Airport, which is located about 7 km away from the city center. Some of the airlines that operate flights on this route include Air India, Alliance Air, and IndiGo.

The ticket prices for these flights can vary depending on the time of travel, the airline, and the availability of seats. However, the average ticket price is usually between INR 3,000 to INR 5,000. It is advisable to book your flight tickets well in advance to get the best deals and offers.

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