Villupuram to Tirupati Train


Visit Tirupati Balaji from Villupuram by following this route map from Villupuram to Tirupati Train and distance by road, car, bus, train, or flight.

Villupuram to Tirupati Train

viluppuram to tirupati train

There are several trains that operate between Villupuram and Tirupati. Some popular train options include:

Tirupati Express (Train No. 22617/22618)

This train runs between Villupuram Junction and Tirupati Main. It operates on a daily basis and is a convenient option for travelers.

Sapthagiri Express (Train No. 16057/16058)

The Sapthagiri Express connects Villupuram Junction and Tirupati Main. It operates on a daily basis and offers a comfortable journey for passengers.

Chennai-Tirupati Express (Train No. 16053/16054)

This train connects Chennai Central and Tirupati Main, with a stop at Villupuram Junction. It operates on a daily basis and provides an alternative travel option.

These are just a few examples of the trains available on the Villupuram to Tirupati route. It is advisable to check the latest train schedules, ticket availability, and any updates or changes before planning your journey.

Villupuram to Tirupati Train Timings

Please note that these timings are subject to change, and it is advisable to check the latest train schedules on the official website of Indian Railways or through a reliable train schedule app or website.

Here is the time schedule for Tirupati Express (Train No. 22617/22618).

  • Departure from Villupuram Junction: 06:35 AM
  • Arrival at Tirupati Main: 12:20 PM
  • Frequency: Daily

Villupuram to Tirupati Train Ticket Price

Villupuram to Tirupati Train Ticket prices for trains can vary based on factors such as the class of travel and train type. Generally, for this route, the ticket prices may range as follows:

  • Sleeper Class (SL): The fare for a sleeper class ticket can range from around ₹200 to ₹400.
  • Third AC (3A): The fare for a third AC ticket can range from around ₹700 to ₹1000.
  • Second AC (2A): The fare for a second AC ticket can range from around ₹1000 to ₹1500.

Villupuram to Tirupati Distance

The distance between Villupuram and Tirupati is approximately 184 kilometers (114 miles) when traveling by road. This distance may vary depending on the specific route taken. Keep in mind that if you are traveling by train, the actual rail distance may be different due to the track layout.

Villupuram to Tirupati by Road

To travel from Villupuram to Tirupati by road, there are a few different route options you can consider. Here are two commonly used routes:

Route 1: Via NH32 and NH716

  • Start from Villupuram and head east on NH32.
  • Continue on NH32, passing through towns like Ulundurpet and Gingee.
  • After Gingee, take a left onto NH716.
  • Follow NH716 and it will lead you directly to Tirupati.

Route 2: Via NH77

  • Start from Villupuram and head east on NH45.
  • Continue on NH45 and then take a left onto NH77 near Tindivanam.
  • Follow NH77, passing through towns like Vandavasi and Polur.
  • After Polur, continue on NH77 until you reach Tirupati.

Villupuram to Tirupati Bus Ticket Price

The bus ticket prices for the Villupuram to Tirupati route can vary based on factors such as the type of bus, operator, and class of travel. Generally, the ticket prices may range as follows:

Non-AC or Ordinary Bus: The fare for a non-AC or ordinary bus ticket can range from around ₹200 to ₹400.

AC Sleeper or Semi-Sleeper Bus: The fare for an AC sleeper or semi-sleeper bus ticket can range from around ₹500 to ₹900 or more, depending on the bus operator and amenities provided.

Villupuram to Tirupati Flight

The nearest major airport to Villupuram is Chennai International Airport (MAA), which is approximately 150 kilometers away.

To travel from Villupuram to Tirupati by air, you can consider the following options:

Option 1: Villupuram to Chennai to Tirupati

  • From Villupuram, you can travel to Chennai by bus or train.
  • From Chennai, you can take a flight to Tirupati. There are several daily flights operated by various airlines between Chennai and Tirupati.
  • The flight duration from Chennai to Tirupati is typically around 45 minutes.

Option 2: Villupuram to Bangalore to Tirupati

  • From Villupuram, you can travel to Bangalore by train or bus.
  • From Bangalore, you can take a flight to Tirupati. There are several daily flights operated by various airlines between Bangalore and Tirupati.
  • The flight duration from Bangalore to Tirupati is typically around 1 hour.

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